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#10 - The Landmark Granger Build

#10 - The Landmark Granger Build | Very Exciting NEWS! It has been way too long since I have posted any updates, but some very cool things are going on. Yesterday, I handed off my latest build to my good friend Donny Granger. Donny is an ultra talented photographer/videographer/story-teller who oversees Creation Studios here in Memphis. Donny's guitar is a landmark guitar for my building and was the most technically challenging guitar I have EVER built. I am all H.R. Chuffed N' Stuff to share a few pics and news about what's coming next.


There will be many more pics to come of this guitar and a VIDEO as well. We shot video of most of the build process for this guitar and Donny and his team are going to produce a short video for me - super excited about that!

For now, just wanted share a few pics to get things rolling on the blog again. First of all, just look at that gorgeous Granadillo on the back and sides:



In the pic above, you can see that on the top, rolling over the side is one of the new features of this guitar: THE ARM BEVEL. The "roll over" makes the guitar more comfortable to hold and adds so sweet visual pow. I made one of these earlier in the summer on a test guitar and did a terrible job. It took me 7 tries to get this one right.

The main feature that makes this a landmark guitar is the ADJUSTABLE ACTION NECK. In the pic below you can see on the left how the finger board and neck are raised above the top of the guitar. This design is called an elevated fingerboard.


Here is a better pic of the elevated board:


This elevated design is cool all on its own, BUT it is coupled with a pivot mechanism (which I cannot show pics of yet) in the neck joint that allows you to change the tilt of the neck and thus raise or lower the strings. This is adjusted by a thumb-wheel that is inside the guitar just under the upper neck which you can see in the blurry pic below:


While I was building this guitar, several times I thought, "I will NEVER do this again." Now, after I have seen this thing in action, I can't imagine building any other way.

Donny picked out some very nice Waverly open backed Gold/Mother of Pearl tuners which fit very well with whole look of the guitar.


One last pic of the end wedge and the arm bevel on the left.


We will have more pics and video coming about this guitar. Very pleased with the way it came out and thankful to Donny for letting me run my experiments with his guitar!