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The Spring Redwood Collection

The Spring Redwood Collection | It has been quite a while since I have posted, but that doesn't mean I haven't been building. This year the weather has proved quite challenging and has offered fewer days to work - one of the real problems of building on the carport! The theme for the spring is REDWOOD, sinker redwood specifically. Just finished a new guitar and a ukulele with this wood and I am very excited about them.

I'll just post some pics and make a few comments.


The top is sinker redwood which is  old-growth timber reclaimed from Northern California rivers. These logs were at the bottom of rivers for many years, in some cases more than a century! It makes a great wood for instruments.

As with my last three builds, this one is also a multi-scale/fan-fret design.


The back and sides on this one are Walnut, but look at that back!Because of the wild figuring in the wood, this thing gave me fits and multiple issues. In the end, I think it came out spectacular.



For the bracing, I used a new "hybrid x" pattern. It has the traditional X brace but with fan braces in the lower bout, more like a classical guitar.



On the sound port for this one, I did a two ply laminate of rosewood and sycamore to give stability to that area and a nice look as well.


I also tried a new design for the fret markers on the side of the neck.


I have finally come up with a design for a "drop in" bridge that makes string changes very easy, but also keeping that area strong - hopefully.


Nothing new with the head-stock other than using the redwood cutoffs for the face of that.



That's it for now. In the next couple of days I will post some pics of Sara's new Uke. Stay tuned for that because that is a wild one.